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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Run Away Thoughts

Have you ever broken a nail early in the morning and thought, "This is going to be a rotten day"?

Have you ever burned the casserole you were making and thought, "I am a terrible cook?"

Have you ever been offended by another person and let your thoughts about them run wild?

Has God ever not answered one of your prayers and you decided in your thought life that He could no longer be trusted?

That's what I mean by run away thought life. I'll never forget almost a decade ago hearing a friend say, "I need to get  handle on my thought life". That was a new concept to me. "My thoughts have a life?" I wondered. My friend later explained to me that her thought life often dictated her actions and reactions in her daily life. Hmmm...Now, all these years later, I know for certain that she was right on the money.

This morning, I caught my thought life suiting up to go for a jog. I found my thoughts warming up and getting ready to sprint. I discovered that if I let them the thoughts that I was thinking was going to set the tone for my day and this was after I had spent time with God. I very quickly realized that the enemy of my soul wanted me to walk through my day defeated without joy or victory. I very quickly realized it because the Holy Spirit inside of my was not bearing witness to my thoughts.

What do we do when we realize that our thoughts are getting the better of us? As the Lord reminded me this morning, we apply 2 Corinthians 10:5 by taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. So, there in my dark walk in closet, on my knees I gave my thoughts a spanking by confessing them to God and began intentionally aligning my words with His.

Do you want to know the amazing thing? I feel better already. My day is back on track and peace has entered my heart.

I often wonder why God has me share my dirty laundry. I would much prefer to pretend that I've got it all together. But the truth is without Jesus, I am a mess. My hope is that by sharing my messy days (and thoughts) with you that you will find the encouragement you need on just the day you need it.


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