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Thursday, October 21, 2010

That's why God gave me boys...

Many of you  know that I have four amazing children. Jenna is my only girl (12) and then I have my boys (9, 10, & 14). Each of them are special in their very own way and each have a calling on their life that is beginning to show up in the here and now.

Take for example Jordan. Jordan is my 10 year old and is truly a Daddy's boy through and through. He and my husband Keith, love to hunt, fish and camp. From the time Jordan came into my life (he was 3yrs old) he has wanted to be a soldier. I think it's in his DNA to protect and serve.

Well, this morning, his calling manifested by protected me. It was about 5:45am and I sat down at my computer to check my schedule for the day and to answer email. The coffee pot was perking and my eyes were not clearly open when I noted that the curtain in front of my desk was moving. With a bit of a start I rolled my chair back to see if it would happen again and sure enough it moved one more time. So, crawling down on the floor I prayed to God that I would not find a snake. Yet, as I hard as I looked I couldn't see a thing. Figuring that it was just the breeze of the AC I proceeded to sit back down at my desk only to see out of the corner of my eye something fly across the room. Now, I'm going to tell you that the appropriate word should be jump but the distance that nasty sticky frog made in one leap can only be described as flying.

Without a second to lose, I ran directly to Jordan's room. I could have stopped at Jenna's room but that would have only added to the drama. I could have stopped at Bailey's room but he's a bear in the mornings and bears and frogs don't mix. I could have also attempted to wake up Thaddeus but he sleeps like he's going into hibernation... so Jordan it was. My valiant soldier to the rescue.

As I leaned down and rubbed his forehead praying the frog had not escaped, I whispered to Jordan, "Mommy needs your help to catch a frog". Upon hearing my words, my little man flew out of bed, rubbed his eyes and standing on a chair caught that sticky green frog on the first attempt. Now, you'll want to know that I was hiding in the bathroom the whole time he was doing this. Yes, I know I've just shattered my warrior image but we all have our weaknesses, right?

Five minutes later my  little soldier was back in bed, sound asleep as though nothing had ever happened. I texted my friend a little later in the day while enjoying my first cup of coffee and she replied, "That's why God gave you boys, Tina".

I only have one response to that... Amen Sister! Amen!!

Here's to callings of God on our children. Have a leap frogging day!

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