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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Father knows best

It was packing time again. This week the scheduled called for me to travel to Mississippi. Determined to not to have to check my luggage, I took great care to only pack the essentials. I brought only two outfits that I could mix and match. I brought only two pairs of shoes; one pair of heals and one pair of flats. Then only enough assessories and personal items to ensure that I was under the airlines weight limit and that my suitcase was small enough to fit in the overhead compartment. I must say I was proud of myself. Loading the suitcase in the car, I thought, "I did it!"

So, Thursday morning I arrived at the airport and proceeded directly to the security area. I lifted my little suitcase on the belt and walked through the the little x-ray machine. Safely on the other side, I was surprised when then TSA agent said, "ma'am, step over here please, I need to examine the contents of your luggage". Opening my suitcase, she mockingly stated "This is not allowed on the plane". This as it turns out was my hairspray and mouse. Who knew? Here I was so concerned about keeping my luggage light that I didn't stop to think about what was allowed on the plane. Ugh! Asking her what my options were, she firmly let me know there were two... check my luggage (for an arm and leg) or throw them away. So, not wanting to part with an arm or leg I watched that woman toss my favorite hair products.

Now, I know that the Lord, "gives and takes away" but my hairspray? Are you kidding me?

Recognizing they were  a casualty of travel I blew the incident off and proceeded to board the plane. However, my seat was located in Zone 4 which is the last of passengers to board. While stepping onto the plane the flight attendants let us know that there was no more overhead compartment space available. I guess she read that "NO WAY" look on my face because she explained to me and the hundred people behind me that we were indeed going to have to check our luggage after all.

I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. Not only did I lose my hairspray and mouse, now I was going to have to part with an arm and legg anyway. Where was the justice?

Sometime later while sitting safely in my fastented seatbelt seat, I had time to think on it and ponder my luggage drama and it's spiritual application. I realized that while there is a cost to carrying around baggage in our life that sometimes even though it may not be to heavy for us, the items in our heart and mind are simply dangerous. My hairspray represented danger to the TSA Agent. That's why she said it had to go. Often, God does the same thing with us as well. He purges people and things that we believe are essential and good because He sees a bigger picture and recognizes dangers we don't. It's not always easy to watch those items being purged from our lives nor is it easy to live without them but at the end of the day we have to trust that Father knows best.  We are told this in Scripture in the book of John.

John 15:2 "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful."

Purging is never fun. In fact, it's often very painful but I am learning to trust that the things and people in my life that God is purging is for my good. I'm thankful for the real life experience that served as a spiritual parable but let's be clear here.... a girl needs her hairspray. In fact, guess what my first stop in Mississippi was for? You guessed it... Hairspray!

Until next time, be blessed!

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