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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Karapan Sapi (Cow Race)

Karapan sapi is a cow race originating from the island of Madura, East Java, Indonesia.

Being held every August until September, the event is held in every village at Madura and become their famous tropical vacation destination.

In Spain we can find out a matador who fight with a cow but in Madura we can see a cow racing. That racing is very fast and it takes only 10 to 15 seconds each racing. The length of this straight racing arena is about 100 meters. Usually, before racing those cows are gave a special drink that contain energy drink. That drink makes cows going crazy and then slow cows before change into a rapid racing cows.

To obtain and accelerated rate of cows, cows base fitted with a belt full of sharp nails and cracked his whip the jockey who was also given the sharp thorns towards cow ass. This wound will make the cow run faster and also cause injuries around the cow's bottom.

Before starting the karapan, all of cows paraded on to the field, marching to the accompaniment of gamelan Madura known called saronen. The cows were given colorful clothes and hanging bells on the cows neck. After the parade finished, decorative clothing began to open.

For most people of Madura, karapan sapi not only a popular party or event held each year inherited hereditary. But also a symbol of prestige that can lift the dignity of the people of Madura, because cows that are used to match the high quality beef with a special treatment. Cows usually have a decent line in the back, ears slightly back, forehead and snout that formed a V and have a vortex on the head.

Karapan Sapi or cow race is a reliable tourism, which brings many foreign and domestic tourists. If you want to know about this unique tradition you must put Madura Island as one of your tropical vacation destination plan.

Karapan sapi is done in track field which you can find in every city in Madura. To see this race is very easy. The visitors only have to go to Madura which can reach from East Java Province Capital, Surabaya. From Surabaya you can go to Madura Island through the Suramadu bridge.

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