We have the power to control our attitude towards seemingly bad events. How? By knowing that there are no mistakes in life, only lessons.
Aug 12:

1) wah... u going to war ar?
2) Since when u become John Rambo??
3) Bro, speaking of John Rambo, really anticipating The Expendables.
4) I commented: Malam ini, in an hour's time, aku akan tengok The Expendables! I am not worthy!
5) Wah! Great minds think damn alike!! Police: Be Younique
Overheard in lift today:
Bloke 1: Eh, u short sighted or long sighted?
Bloke 2: Short sighted.
Bloke 1: Meaning?!
Bloke 2: I can't see far.
...Bloke 1: Ooooh...short sighted la!
1) this actually made me LOL! 2) Duh 3) bloke 1 = dense.
Aug 13:
The Expendables: Little dialogue (but punchy), body count (and parts) in the hundreds, retro. An entertaining 6/10
1) Did u get d rush when big action stars like Arnold, bruce willis n lundgren maje camei appearances?
2) Aparently, some that turned down Stallone's approach, such as: van damme, eesley snipes, steven seagal n kurt russel.
3) KS: With Stallone, even if there's lots of dialogue, we won't understand what he's saying LOL
4) I commented: @YTL: have you seen it? Cause don't want to spoil it with my thoughts on the Arnold Shweshenigga, Stallone and Willis scene.
5) not seen it. this weekend.
Dedication video to the greatest action heroes of all time (with dramatic music)

1 comment:
last time the lead and the guitarist were male and female ... so really kissed ... now the male - male, female - female all think it is cool maaa ... so they do lor ... hahahahahah ... logic?
Aug 14:
1) didnt know u r into justin bieber
2) I commented: @edward: idiot...it's a different Justin, of course!
3) haahahahahah are you in denial? :P
4) I commented: @edward: =_=
5) Woohoo! KS having BIEBER FEVER!
6) woot woot
theSun 14/08 PM Najib called on the Malaysian Chinese to play a leading role in helping the country become a high-income economy.
1) First he has to
2) And then how is he gonna help the Malaysian Chinese? By making us even more second class citizens?
3) Kevin, I thought we were already second class?
4) Oh, even more, ya third class probably.
5) 3rd 4th then he will start revoking our citizenships after we help him and his chronies
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