Not long before the end of the long holiday period. Do not let your precious time for growth and development of children was simply overlooked.
It is wise holiday with your family is filled with enriching activities while interacting with nature Archipelago. Among many options, Bunaken marine park in North Sulawesi presents charm.
Bunaken exoticism is familiarly known as a paradise under the sea is not only interesting for diving and snorkeling devotee, but also become a magnet for the laity who had long heard of its beauty.
Their group experiences that were never familiar with the sea in early May and then maybe could give you a tour pulled into the Bunaken marine, tried snorkeling and diving (diving).
Taking the start of the Hotel Santika Manado which is about 40 minutes by motor boat to Bunaken, our intention to see the beautiful scenery of nature's underwater Bunaken finally go there in the morning.
Unmitigated, we, the people who just plain good at swimming in fresh water, took a number of guides from Thalassa, diving and snorkeling operators based in the Village Tongkeina, District Molas, Manado. Thalassa is also a partner of Hotel Santika Manado for services diving and snorkeling in Bunaken.
The weather was quite sunny in the morning. Sea water looks calm. Gentle breeze blowing along the way the waves divides the Bay of Manado. Jokes and laughter would not stop a marker of her fiery spirit.
From a distance, Bunaken Island looks lush with trees. Not far from Bunaken, Manado Tua volcano looks dashing, like guards Bunaken Island. Pacing the boat's motor and rowing boats islanders became interesting sights in between trips. Camera images were endlessly perpetuating the view that for later reminiscences.
After 40 minutes, our boat was riding stopped at a point in the middle of the sea. From there, the group consisted of 25 men were divided in two. Each group moved to a glass boat at the bottom. Through the clear glass was first invited us to enjoy the natural beauty of Bunaken's underwater without having to wet in the water.
Once the boat engine lights and glass measuring approximately 1 x 1 meter down, the underwater scenery of Bunaken instantly displayed in front of the eye. Under layers of glass, crystal clear sea water capable of displaying the beauty of coral reefs and marine algae clearly, as well as hundreds of colorful ornamental fish swim back and forth. Watching a variety of beauty presented so beautifully, it felt pity for the goods merely winked once.
According to Ferry, Thalassa instructor who was with us, used ordinary glass boat tourists who want to relax enjoying the scenery of Bunaken without having to dive into the water. Scene which was witnessed only 2-4 feet away so that the beauty of coral reefs and thousands of ornamental fish caught clear.
From "window glass" was also displayed a clear view of concern. Coral reefs are close to the average water surface is damaged. There are coral broken in several parts or discolored. There is also an almost shapeless.
"The cause of the damage varies, but generally due to human activities. Quite often forget or are forced divers stepping on coral reefs so damaging," Ferry said, adding, it takes many years for coral to grow back.
Condition of coral reefs that are still good, according to Ferry, located deep in the depth of 30-40 meters is accessible only by way of diving. In addition to a more beautiful coral reefs and still good, if lucky, divers can see the sea horses are only there in the Bunaken Marine.
To achieve the depth it was not easy because many of the dangerous sea cliffs. Maximum allowable submergence also only up to a depth of 20 meters.
Fortunately, a sense of concern and disappointment that we treated with lots of seaweed and ornamental fish are clearly visible from the glass boat. Ornamental fish are most often seen pacing is a butterfly fish, yellow mottled and bluish-black.
In fact, there are white shark fin and black fin sharks are occasionally passed among hundreds of other ornamental fish. Amazing!
No need to fear drowning
Content to enjoy the scenery through the glass boats, the whole entourage went back up the boat motor to get ready to snorkel. Equipment such as mask, snorkel, life jacket (vest), and wetsuit (wet suit) are available.
Can not wait, Magnate freshwater pool that was scrambling throw themselves into the water. There was also a member of the entourage who did not even know how to swim. "With the buoy, the person who can not swim will not be able to drown so-snorkeling," Ferry said that justified the other instructors. The sentence is of course more and more colleagues who confirmed the intention was initially hesitant plunge into the sea because he could not swim.
Kecipak water and was amazed and immediately screams blaring. Sun seemed stung the skin. That there was a new experience to enjoy the underwater scenery was not previously unimaginable. Mahasempurna creation of God.
Apparently, snorkeling for beginners is not easy. Especially when trying to breathe through his mouth when his face submerged in water. Salty sea water makes the beginner must be willing to throw hard again and again because of nausea that welled up. Sore throat is also due to repeatedly enter the sea water swallowed.
After repeatedly trying and find the right way, then feels good snorkeling. Underwater scenery of Bunaken proved to be much more beautiful when seen with the naked eye in the style of snorkeling. If it does not remember should be back soon, maybe the
self forgot that a beginner snorkeler would not stop.
"If you have found a way, turned out to be great. It feels lazy to stop and want to continue to look at all the coral and ornamental fishes in Bunaken," said Rina, a colleague from Borneo. Once any Margaretha, also from Borneo.
The group facilitator to Bunaken represent Telkomsel Area-Maluku-Papua, Kalimantan, Sulawesi (Pamasuka), Corporate Comunications, Jowvy Kumala, which had been diving in Bunaken sea that day revealed, Bunaken is a favorite place for satisfying hobby selamnya far.
"In several visits, Bunaken always provides different experiences. The reason, the creatures that existed at any point is always different so Bunaken always challenging place to visit," he explained. That's what makes it never boring
come and dive in Bunaken.
Bunaken, like many stories of people, proved to be beautiful. So that its beauty remains sustainable and can continue to be enjoyed, it is our responsibility to guard it. Make sure that one day our grandchildren can enjoy the same experience, both while diving and snorkeling, the beautiful Bunaken. Come to Bunaken. While the long holiday ..
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