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Monday, May 3, 2010

Excuse the pun but Kick Ass kicks ass!

Catch Kick Ass, cinema or DVD!

27 Apr:
I've a bad mornin habit of zzz xtra 15mins after the alarm rings. I noticed during this semi conscious state of mind, my dear Jo-Ann Ng would like to instruct me with life changing matters eg she said somethin about tax returns today. Last week, she mentioned "kaya bun""microwave" n I later realized she heated up the b...un for me but I completely forgot about it. Poor bun was left in the m/wave for 5days.
1) Jo commented: i only had two instructions this morning: put ear drops for the cat and send your own tax returns.
2) Housemate commented: I saw him putting the ear drops this morning. :p
3) so funny la...this couple :)
4) U got a cat? Meowth!
5) Hahaha... Jo-Ann and Kau Sern, you both always make my day :)

28 Apr:
Bila kubuka mataku dan lihat wajahMu, kuterkagum. Bila kulihat hidupku dan karya tanganMu, kutersanjung. Semua yang baik dalam hidupku, itulah karyaMu. Terima kasih kerana Kau memberi kesempatan yang baru.
1) what's this?? sounds very religious...
2) So cool...kawe nak nanges dgrmu cakap melayu.hahaha

30 Apr:
"When we commit to do this, do whatever it takes to make it happen!" as quoted by an influential industry senior person in a meeting today. I thought that was very inspiring as commitment is a virtue very much lacking in today's work culture.

I suspect my cat is quite smart, she knows when its time for her to go back to her cage (as we are going off to work), she will hide in hard to reach areas eg. below a maze of low chairs, hide in the cupboard, hide at the back of a drawer etc.

Dont let them tell you who you are is not enough.

1 May:
Watching Kick Ass the movie is like watching a manifested glorified version of Happy Tree Friends + South Park. Its somewhat wrong for cute animals to be so innocently violent (HTF) and pre teen kids to be potty mouth (SP) but yet, its disturbingly entertaining.
1) oooo....must watch then. :D
2) I love the cute and adorable drawing until it reach the part of killing. It is entertaining but I dont understand why it is done that way.

2 May:
Only in MY: Overheard a young family's conversation@the Curve which was having a Crocs warehouse sales. The wife exclaimed excitedly at her husband in cantonese,"HURRY UP, 70% sales!" The exhausted looking hubby (hair ruffled), with baby on the stroller n an orange balloon tied to his wrist, looked down at his pirated ...Crocs n muttered under his breath, "Whats wrong with the RM10 Crocs?"

I disagree with the older generation when they lament that the youths today have an easier life compared to their time. Youths today are pressured to score As in their exams, the need to look beautiful according to hollywood standards, the temptations freely available on the Net, growing up in an absent or single paren...t environment and the fear of being shot by authorities at 2am.
1) "..and the fear of being shot by authorities at 2am." haha!!
2) Agree. They always think their life is hard. But ours is more crappy! Lol
3) At least you will know
4) Back at their times, don't even know who shot you... The authorities suspecting you to be communists or the communists suspecting you to be Secret Branch since you dared to wonder out at 2 am...

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