‘Natuna’ derives from the Dutch language ‘Natunae’ meaning is natural. Natuna islands are officially part of the Riau Archipelago Province with Ranai as its capital city.
Ranai is often translated as “Rantau Nan Indah” (beautiful panorama) because of its amazing vistas.
It's located in the Natuna Sea between east and west Malaysia and Kalimantan. Bunguran, Jemaja, and Serasan are the three largest islands in this archipelago.
If you are adventurous by nature and are looking for beaches that are free from other tourists, then the Natuna Archipelago could be the right place for you. It comprises some 270 islands, has amazing green-blue seas and has many very beautiful white beaches.
With panoramic views of beach is still beautiful and has many potential. Some spot even become a fan favorite for snorkeling, turtle habitat observers, and diving.

Besides, Natuna has many large rocks scattered throughout the island. The form rocks are also unique, such as Batu Kapal form of two large rocks that lined.
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