Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan Tengah)

When visiting Palangkaraya, just look outside of your aircraft window and you will see the green field of nature below cut by a small river with slow course twisting to the downstream passing the mangrove forest. The flow is similar to the head of dragon with endless body. When forest area seems to be distantly spaced and clear, Palangkaraya city will appear as though coming out of the tropical forest. Central Kalimantan is full with tourism and natural resources potentials. Plantation, forestry, fishery, mining and husbandry might attract curious visitors. Moreover, the diversity of the ethnic groups is interesting. Three major Dayak tribes inhabiting this region are Ngaju, Ot Danum, and Dusun Ma’anyan tribe. Curious? Just go out of your routine and enjoy the differences by involving yourself in the way of life of a Dayak.
If you want to know further about Dayak tribe, learn Dayak traditional dances and music instruments, like plucked stringed instruments and drums. The Ngaju Dayak tribe, the most popular Dayak tribe occupying around Kahayan and Kapuas River, is known of its arts. Especially wooden-coffins with elevated cemeteries, dead ships and high memorial statues. Ot Danum tribe inhabits around the River to the north of Ngaju inhabitant and to the south of range of Schwaner and Muller mountains. Ot Danum tribe lives in long-shape houses with 2-5 meter pillars over the ground. One house has about 50 rooms. This long-shape house is locally called as betang. Ot Danum tribe is known of its skill of plaiting rattan, palm leave and bamboo. They still follow the ways of their ancestors. The Ma’anyan village tribe still practices the spirit heart, agriculture ritual, complex mortality ceremony. And they still call a shaman whenever they need some healing. The cemeteries indicate social hierarchy. The range of noble cemetery is situated at the upstream of the River, followed with soldier cemetery, ordinary community cemetery to the downstream, and cemetery for slave is situated in the downstream’s edge.

Kuala Kapuas. It is located at Kapuas River, 40 km from Banjarmasin. A well-known tourist attraction is Telo Island, a pleasant fishing village and port. For the adventurer, white-water rafter and nature lovers, there is Gohong Rawai, known for its beatiful and challenging rapids. The gold mines of Teweh and Batu Api, Rungan district, are also interesting sites to be visited. In this region, gold mining is a major source of livelihood for the people, who pan for the valuable metal using the old traditional method.
3. Tanjung Puting National Park
The Tanjung Puting National Park is a well-known nature and wildlife reserve in lowland and swamp forests, inha¬bited by orang utans, owa-owa, bekantan and other primates. One can visit the Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre which is supported by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
(references: www.indonesia.travel and www.my-indonesia.info)
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