As one of the secret capitals ;-) of Australia Sydney is definitely worth a visit, especially if some great friends are waiting there for you! I met with James, my Outback-mate, Magali, Anjaan and his wife Amu in Sydney. We had some great times there, going out for some drinks, partying at a Backpacker place, as I was not wearing proper shoes for a fancy place (having been a tourist all day walking in sneakers), and watching fireworks at Darling Habour. Of course, after we experienced so much together, like seeing right into Spock's humongous eye at the IMAX Sydney, the world's largest screening system (scary!!!), it was even harder to part. But hopefully we will all meet again! At Ben's house warming party?
But one thing is for sure: in Sydney I really noticed that it is winter in Australia at the moment, I totally forgot about that in the Sunshine State of Queensland!
Some Impressions of Sydney:
Beautiful at Night: The Opera House and Harbour Bridge
Another Cool Bloke
Take the ferry to Manly to:

...get the best view of Sydney Bill and get a language lesson for free by the beach

...get The Heads shown to you by a local

...hear some Arameic when you are lucky enough to meet Paul
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