kusuma agrowisata this is located in stone city batu
i am et al sempat go on vacation last night there moment to surabaya february then. this also without planned, know last-minutes-person
to achieve stone city from surabaya, can lease car. oh iya, rate lease car at surabaya expensive. but final dapet normal price after nelpon sana-sini, dapet according to under cover from one of [the] official rental car we are telpon (kyk tuh official is pirated same rental car laen; p). rate leases after nawar in the style of market: 800ribu (avanza) to 2 days 1 evening, udah belong driver and petrol (but blm money eats driver). moment road to stone, sempat also call on to porong-sidoarjo, according to teman2 (dr jakarta) in mo tough.
stone city at this east java is plateau region close to ridges, so that berhawa suejuk! reside in height 680-1.200 meter dpl, with air temperature 15-19 degree celcius. from surabaya southerly, from unlucky up at west. before now sih this still part from unlucky city, but now is soing city self.
there many nature tour objects at batu-malang this, there songgoriti, selecta, jatim park, etc. hotel-hotel even also a part shaped hotel resort yg full facility, yg caw necessary everywhere also udah beautiful, genuinely pleasant make to go on vacation. two hotels resort starry enough famous that is boutique flower club resort and kusuma agrowisata hotel. two this hotels besides suited for go on vacation also can make honeymoon hihihi… family
final choose to stay at kusuma agrowisata hotel aja, the location not far jg with flower club. at kusuma agro, area and rate that also udah include tour agro (apple, stroberi, etc), so to let caw takes care everywhere (because caw many time)s. if flower club may be more make hanimun or want to relax (spa, massage, etc) likely.
upon arriving there by accident afternoon and hujaaan. so rest, then forag evening, final to waroeng bethany (or betania, forget). little the place, but design impressive the room! low light, mendingnya full of photo and testimonial visitor (rata2 artist) but edged artistic, meja-kursi formed nature wood (ha what sih the name), and in also there tree trunk and twigs creep at room corner. cute but romantic the impression. the food reasonable but special caw follow me. oh iya, unfortunately we are obvious latest visitor krn udah mo enclosing, while that is msh afternoon new clock 8an malem! pintu-jendela begin closed (to feel chased away), duh while blom moto2 self: p, hiks kan low light gt must setting2, caw sempat.
stone city above clock 8 evening udah sepiiii… or probably because rain? final in sleep aja deh, and plan gets to finished dawn mo jogging because the air bener2 bersiiiih and view pretty. get up morning finished dawn stills to slouch, and clock 6an begin to go breakfast. jogging? that only the intention semalem. but, intention without effort is nothing!
morning that is memulailah exploration area kusuma agrowisata this hotel. hotel resort this is type and broadness resembles beautiful temple hotel (magelang). sebener sih blom ever to beautiful temple hihihi, only tough photo and the video from temen. . kusuma this hotel stands at area around 17hektar. kamar-kamar there standard there also cottage. in area, besides hotel full starry hotel facilities (fitness, swimming pool, spa, playground, etc) also found area outbound, agrowisata fruit (apple, strawberry, etc), and there agrowisata flower (green house? ).
the soil contour likes hilly valley fluctuates, several enough slopes. oh iya, from principal lobby (in front of) to kamar-kamar that comes into area, at kanan-kiri view very beautiful, but enough far. so kalo caw brings car self yes reasonable tired deh. although aim to room there tour car, but kan only make nganterin enter.
make photos lovers narsis like me, everywhere view good. have breakfast standard menu, and sure there rawon (ow. . east java once). in place have breakfast this adjacent direct with swimming pool and view ridges yg clear seen (mount arjuna, kalo wrong caw). without buang2 time, finished eat direct go down to area swimming pool and vinicity, doesn't make to swim (krn caw brings swimsuit), but sure make photos.
then continued to step into area agrowisata. hotel guest udah given ticket enters jd caw pays again, and there tour guide (although at end us best ngasi tips again). step into agrowisata, there welcome drink fruit drink makes trip provision (duh, serasa mo jalan2 far). then be deliverred the guide. first, step into area agrowisata flower. there many banget good flower, and because my partner likes flower soes long deh there, and final buys several flower seeds.
there also garden stroberi, pity again caw bear fruit to so caw can picks. alongside road (track) situ, there various animal likes chicken (the kind aneh2), cassowary, bat, etc many deh. trus until also at agrowisata aim: apple garden! unlucky city and this stone is really famous with fruit one this, unlucky apple. this garden is enough vast. there 1 ticket can to pick 2 apples (kalo mo more can, caw origin ketauan halah*). manner picks apple: left hand holds stalk, right hand twists the fruit, don't pick with the stalk. this manner must be followed so that must not botch that apple tree.
after from apple garden, the guide will leave visitor so that will stroll self. even less visitor as we yg sweet photo because not red letter day, so lonely, so photos activity not disturbed. oh iya, there also place to buy oleh2 shaped product kusuma agro this, like apple vinegar (for well-being), apple crispy chips (made from apple cut is sliced thin), and another.
to stay last night at kusuma agrowisata this hotel, at least (room rate 2008) we must take outside fund 450-600 thousands for standard room (weekdays), cottage begins 800ribu up to 2,5 million semalem (weekdays). if weekend/holiday, for a few room type plus 200-300ribu, and costliest cottage soes 3,5juta. glek! but there facilities addition eats malem kalo malem week and red letter day. luck aja not weekend fit over there, and sure tau donk i am certain choose room yg cheapest
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