Best Island
Beautiful Island
Beautiful Beach

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Op weg met Marijke en Roelof

Op zee, 28 juli 2010
Hoe is het de 'ALK' vergaan na haar duikavontuur in de Zuid Chinese Zee? Wel vandaag zijn we vertrokken van Pulau Mantanani, een eiland voor de kust van Borneo. Voor het eerst sinds een lange tijd is het zonnig helder weer en met het lichtweerzeil op en een bakstagwind zeilen we met een lekker gangetje richting de noordpunt van Borneo. Gisteren waren we daar ook al naar op weg maar de wind bleek recht op de neus te staan. We kwamen geen meter vooruit tegen de golven en zijn weer omgedraaid om beschutting te zoeken achter het eiland. Vandaag hebben we dus een heel wat betere start!

Twee weken geleden is Marijke en een week later Roelof, een goede vriend van ons, aan boord aangekomen. Nadat de nodige klussen aan boord waren gedaan, reserve onderdelen en kaarten gekocht, de boot geïnspecteerd door een expertisebureau i.v.m. de af te sluiten verzekering, voorraden ingeslagen, drinkwater, benzine en diesel getankt, zijn we vier dagen geleden uit Kota Kinabalu vertrokken.

 Pompbediende in opleiding....

De dag voor ons vertrek, terwijl Hans nog e.e.a. aan boord te doen had, hebben Marijke en Roelof het 'hoger' opgezocht op Mount Kinabalu.

Uitzicht vanaf Mt. Kinabalu

Aan de voet van de berg hebben zij een mooie wandeling gemaakt door een tropisch regenwoud op een hoogte van 1600 meter, waar het met 20 graden een stuk koeler was dan aan de kust. Roelof is een echte vogelaar en zag kans om met zijn superkwaliteit Swarovski verrekijker een aantal bijzondere vogels te spotten. De wilde tropische begroeïng was indrukwekkend, de lage bewolking rond de toppen van de bomen mysterieus en de regen die tijdens de wandeling door het bladerdek omlaag viel, maakte het tot een echte 'rainforest experience'.

Aan de kust regent het in deze tijd van het jaar ook regelmatig, maar dit jaar veel meer dan gebruikelijk. De afgelopen weken regende het steevast elke middag en de dag voor Marijke aan boord kwam werd ik voor anker liggend voor de jachthaven overvallen door het meest 'gewelddadige' onweer dat ik in jaren heb meegemaakt. In twee uur tijd viel er meer dan 60mm regen en volgens de Borneo Post was dit uitzonderlijk; zelfs het vliegverkeer lag urenlang stil. De wind draaide naar alle richtingen en 'ALK' lag flink te stampen en rollen in de rommelige zeeën maar in de modderige bodem lagen we rotsvast voor anker. Het afwijkende weer heeft te maken met El Nino waarmee het jaar is begonnen. Inmiddels schijnt dat te zijn over gegaan in El Nina. Hoe het ook zij, het weer is duidelijk van slag zoals we al eerder hadden ervaren tijdens de duiktrip in de Z.Chinese Zee. Bijkomend voordeel is wel dat we geen probleem hebben met drinkwater. Elke keer als de eerste druppels vallen gaan we meteen aan de slag met emmers en teiltjes om regenwater op te vangen en zo hebben we de tanks langzaamaan weer helemaal kunnen vullen.

Werk aan de winkel als de regen met bakken naar beneden komt...
Het plan was om gedurende mijn verblijf in KK in Sutera Harbour te gaan liggen maar de toegang tot de sjieke jachthaven werd mij ontzegd vanwege het feit dat ik geen verzekering heb. Een nieuwe regel die recent was ingevoerd. Een andere nieuwe regel was het exhorbitante liggeld om je bijbootje in de haven te mogen achterlaten. Dat kwam neer op de helft van het liggeld om er met ALK te liggen! Daar zou allemaal nog wel overheen te komen zijn als er een andere aanlegmogelijkheid was in KK maar in de ankerplaats in de stad zijn al diverse jachten bestolen, soms zelfs terwijl de eigenaars aan boord waren.
De stad zelf was vooral heel praktisch met alle mogelijkheden om er de benodigde inkopen te doen. Naast de moderne bebouwing en shopping centers was er een prachtige grote overdekte groente- en fruitmarkt en een levendige avondmarkt waar je vanalles kon kopen en eten. De maaltijden bij de Filippijnse eettentjes waren een bijzondere ervaring met overheerlijke gegrilde vis, calamares, king prawns en gamba's te kust en te keur die je aan eenvoudige lange tafels zij aan zij met locals en andere toeristen, zonder bestek kon verorberen.

'Grilled seafood' te kust en te keur...
Dit was een mooi contrast met het luxe restaurant van het Bunga Raja Resort op Pulau Gaya waar we, op onze eerste avond onderweg, door Roelof getracteerd werden op een verfijnde Thaise curry en bediend werden door Fauzi, de meest vriendelijke en kleinste restaurant manager die we ooit hebben meegemaakt!
Roelof en Marijke hebben de volgende ochtend vroeg in de omgeving van het resort een jungle wandeling gemaakt in de hoop vogels en apen te kunnen zien. Aan de vele geluiden te horen zaten ze er zeker wel, maar te zien waren ze niet in de dichte begroeïng. Enkele neushoornvogels hebben ze echter wel kunnen spotten.

Loopbrug door de jungle bij het Bunga Raja Resort op Pulau Gaya

Rond Pulau Mantanani zagen we gisteren met zonsondergang enorme zwermen fregatvogels, die met duizenden de nacht doorbrengen op een klein bebost eiland. Roelof is zowel op het land als op zee altijd alert om vogels te spotten en kan, net zoals Hans met zijn vissen, urenlang bezig zijn om zich te verdiepen in zijn vogelgids.
Verder geniet hij ook van het onderwaterleven. We hebben samen al een paar duikjes kunnen maken rond Pulau Mantanani en ondanks dat het harde koraal, zoals ook elders in de Zuid Chinese Zee, op sterven na dood is heeft hij kunnen genieten van wat er nog van de schoonheid onderwater over was. Naar de oorzaak van de massale koraalsterfte is nog geen wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan maar het 'duikteam' aan boord kwam tot de conclusie dat destructieve vismethoden zoals met dynamiet en cyaankali, vervuiling door overbevolkte kustgebieden, een explosieve groei van het aantal doornenkroon zeesterren die koraalpolypen eten en een verhoging van de zeewatertemperatuur als gevolg van de opwarming van de aarde hieraan ten grondslag liggen. Geen opwekkende constatering maar de harde realiteit van de 21ste eeuw!


Shout Your Fame

Verse 1:
Some say You're just a good man
Some say You were kind
Some say You are in the grave
But I say You're alive

Verse 2:
Some say You're just a prophet
Some say You were wise
Some say You were just a man
But I say You are God
You are my God

Chorus 1:
I will shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
And the world will know Your greatness
You are my God
I will shout Your fame

Verse 3:
I know You're the Messiah
You gave Your life for me
And I know You're the only way
Jesus You are God
You are my God

Chorus 2:
I will shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
I will show the world Your greatness
You are my God, Jesus I will
Shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
I will show the world Your goodness
As I live a life that shouts Your fame
As I live a life that shouts Your fame

Jesus I decide to live
Live a life that shouts Your fame
Shout Your fame (4x)

Shout Your fame
Shout Your fame
Shout Your fame
Shout Your fame

All For LOVE

All for love the Father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love the heavens cried
For love was crucified

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive
If only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You

Let me sing all for love
I will join the angels song
Ever holy is the Lord
King of Glory
King of all

All for a love a Saviour prayed
Abba Father have Your way
Though they know not what they do
Let the Cross draw man to You

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Updates 19 - 25 July: Maggots and Immortality

July 19:
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything" - Michael Evans

July 20:
Accidental discovery: Baked beans + Little end crunchy bacon bits = Ooooom nom NOM NOM NOM!
1 comment:
ohhhhh, gas alert!

July 21:
After watching Inception, The Sorcerer's Apprentice seems...shallow. I can't believe someone actually clapped when the movie ended. I guess majority of Malaysians just love their movies served with bucket loads of action, CGI and explosion with a sprinkle of slapstick comedy. If you loved National Treasure, you'll dig ...
1) Oh! Not my kinda movie then. Wil save my $. How wud u rate the lovely bones then?
2) I commented: @roslyn: have not watched lovely bones la.

3) wah...what a movie review!

4) I just cringe whenever a movie features Cage. Since he keeps on appearing in 'tried and tested' movies in that mould... movies which appeals to the lowest common denominator.
5) hey, Inceptions' a main meal for me, dessert included - . i'll give it 9/10.

"A heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you, bruises that won't heal. You look so tired-unhappy...with no alarms and no surprises" taken from Radiohead's No Surprises. Going through a renewed passion for all things Radiohead since my exposure to the haunting version of Creep in The Social Network trailer.

Make mental note: Don't quit my day job. There was once Jo and I decided to cook an ambitious dish of asam fish. We ate, washed up and left the house for 1 week. When we came back, I went, "Jo, what's in this pot?" Yes...the 1 week old unfinished maggot infested asam fish.
1) ew. Really disgusting! I hope u disinfect the pot if u intend to reuse it! Urgh
2) Yiii yak...

3) I commented: The pot didn't survive. Buang. I remember taking the pot out into the garden and opened the lid. I struggled to open it cause of the gas built up. When I finally opened it, the smell...well, let's just say 3 houses away can also smell.
4) wahlao... a whole week?? hahaha. got birds come and camp in your garden or not?
5) salute

6) Happened to my mum before and what she did was to turn the stove on again to boil the maggots so that it won't creep out. Then throw the whole pot away when it cooled down slightly. Ewwww
7) hey i remember that incident! I think i was the one who cooked it. Hahahaa!!! Tau makan aje....tak tau basuh....

July 22:

This video does 2 things to me: (1) I will never see Storm Troopers the same way again (2) I will never see Wonder Girls the same way again when they perform this song.
1) Wahahhahahhahaha.....this video really cracking funny!
2) Since u seen the Storm Trooper version, you gotta check out this 'Ah Kua' S'pore version:
3) regret click on it......
4) too late aznol...

July 23:
In the lift today - Young Dude 1 said: Eh, sejuklah hari ini. Aircon giler sejuk. Dude 2 replied: Ya ke? To prove his point, Dude 1 held Dude 2 hands. Dude 2 exclaimed, "Eh, Sejuk giler!!"
1) maybe they were trying to hold yours too...
2) you should have gone like, "eeeee!!!! Jom pegang tangan!! sama sama kita sejuk giler..."
3) I commented: -.-

Does it matter if people say it's "Indian" colour?
1) What is that?!
2) Does not matter as long as u like it. Beauty lies in the eye of d beholder.

3) usually tease them tt they r insulting me and tell them its 1 malaysia! :)
4) I commented: Thanks for the reassurance friends. I painted one of my house's outside wall a supposedly "Indian" colour but both wifey and I likes it.
5) Purple?

6) I commented: @gerald: a darker shade of raspberry colour

7) Good job... Expected that it's about paint for d hse when u make that comment, coz I'm in d same situation.... Choosing colours for my hse n getting comments on d colour combination.

July 24:
I have always struggled to understand when a woman says, "I hate it when men keep staring at me" and almost under the same breath, they also say, "When I was younger, men will stare at me but they no longer do." Guys, here's why. It depends on WHO the man is. NOW I understand!
1 comment:
very insightful... :)

Discovering a liking towards epic soundtrack pieces by Hans Zimmer. Intending to compile a best of...can somebody help to get the ball rolling?
1 comment:
Gladiator - Track 3 - The Battle

July 25:
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:14

(Additional notes: The weekend thought me a lesson on Immortality on 2 different levels. 1st level came from Pastor Chris' sermon that this body of ours are like machines. One day, it will GUARANTEE to breakdown and stop working altogether during our life on earth. The other immortality lesson came from the movie In Good Company (Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace, Scarlett Johansson) - that at a stroke of a pen, we can be redundant in the corporate world.

So how then should we face these two immortality? Answer can be found in Psalm 90:12 = "Teach us to number our days aright,that we may gain a heart of wisdom". In other words, we are to be thankful and give our best DAILY. When trouble and sorrow come our way, we will be equipped to face it head on.)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I love Jesus very duperry muchies!

Worthy Is A Lamb

Thank you for the cross, Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace

Thank you for this love, Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious

High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

With All I am

into your hand
i commit again
with all I am
for you Lord

you hold my world
in the palm of your hand
and I'm yours forever

Jesus I believe in you
Jesus I belong to you
you're the reason that I live
the reason that I sing
with all I am

I'll walk with you
wherever you go
through tears and joy
I'll trust in you

and I will live
in all of your ways and
your promises forever


I will worship I will worship you forever


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Updates 4 - 18 July: Paul, the Inception Octopus

July 4:
July already. Things can only get better in the second half.

July 5:
Overheard on orchard road: bloke #1 said to bloke #2: I don't consider myself an alcoholic-la. I just like to feel high every night.
1) i have got friends who say that everyday. Very familar sounding phrase
2) He is in denial, finding excuses hehehe

July 6:
At Changi now, felt it was like only yesterday that I was salivating at Swatch watches (dream to own one) at this airport in the 90s. Can't imagine I have worked for 10 years.

At klia, suddenly there's like 10 flights that landed. Immigration staff can't handle the numbers, longest queue I've seen at the counters. Have been waiting for my bag for 20 mins now but it's still not out yet. Make mental note: Do not get comfortable with Singapore's high level of efficiency, we are Malaysians, remember to re-laks la...

July 8:
Damn you, octopus! (Additional note: I was rooting for the young Germany team for FIFA World Cup 2010, but Paul the Octopus
1) i like that octopus! 2) He's cute and he tells the truth!

Octopus, octopus, what's my winning attire for today: should I wear a tshirt or shirt to work...Damn you, octopus!
1) Get the octopus to predict 4d wei
2) Haha.. To be fair, Germany reli didn't play their best le. Dun blame d octopus ;) with or without his prediction, d better team still wud hv won.
3) Yes and Spain is clearly the better team! Reiben Sie sich ein!
4) The octopus sudah makan duit from Bookies lar boss
5) I commented: Damn you, octopus!
6) LOL... : )
7) Sotong was just cari makan je...

July 10:
World Cup, the world's most widely viewed sporting event, 70 years of glorious triumphs and epic disappointing moments, brought a 3-days cease fire in Africa's bloodiest civil war of 2 years and the 2010 FIFA World Cup champions will be decided by......a sotong?! Damn you, octopus!
1) The world kneels to a calamari!
2) technically sotong is a squid. kurita is octopus. and dun u just love the octopus. btw, my fren tinks ur kidnap theory was fascinating. needless to say, she germany fan.

3)'s illuminati
4) I commented: @dr allan sia: someone's being a smart @$$...
5) Feed that octopus to the Africans!
6) aawww come on, its in the name of sports... hehe
7) find the sotong and end his life!!!

8) the poor sotong's probably wondering how come certain periods in its life it's getting extra doesn't even know it achieved stardom just by having a meal.
9) I commented: @Janice: Are u saying Paul is an accidental rock star cause he was just minding his own business?..... Damn you, octopus!

10) I's just being what a sotong should be....when hungry, eat!

I propose the Government should immediately set up a committee consisting of high-level senior officers to investigate the consequences of eating durian and mutton at the same time.
1) Shouldn't be a problem.. They're quite good at these stuff. They may have to outsource it to some food scientist and use a big budget on it but yup, try and see!
2) I commented: Don't forget the very necessary lawatan sambil belajar to London before they embark the investigation full on.
3) Yup sure can selesai your query! But have to wait a while lah.. Especially since the month of major lull is coming soon.. Followed by the well deserved festivities.. Better just abstain first lah... Haha..
4) apa jadi nih?
5) I commented: @Jan: follow this link:
6) that's amazing discovery! Mutton + Durian = bad chemistry! Yes, not only a committee to conduct an in depth study on this, but Durian + other local foods too. Who knows, it could be great information for tourists.

July 12:
The octopus is a cephalopod mollusk in the order Octopoda. Octopuses have two eyes and four pairs of arms, and like other cephalopods they are bilaterally symmetric. Most octopuses have no internal or external skeleton, allowing them to squeeze through tight places. Octopuses are highly intelligent, probably the most intelligent of all invertebrates.
1 comment:
hungry de.....

Goal setting is important. Goal doing is more important.
1) Goal scoring is the way
2) I commented: @YTL: true! But sotong spoil market.

July 14:
Finally watched Karate Kid. It was surprisingly engaging and wholesome entertainment. Jaden was completely believable, both his acting and kung fu skills (compared to the wooden keanu in the matrix). And I love Jackie here, not overacting and potrayed a convincing father figure. I give it 7 out of 10.
1) Yeah! U sure summed it up nicely. Totally agree!
2) Yes it was one of the surprise hits of the summer. The boys found it a bit violent and Cam cried when the bad kids beat up Jayden.

3) I commented: @grace: yeah, the overall treatment is quite dark and intense compared to the original. I suppose they did so to reflect today's time and age cause if they had used the same 'template' it would end up being cheesy.
4) his finishing move is better than the original.
5) yeah, cobra cooler than crane

July 15:
I can't believe Christopher Nolan actually pulled it off with Inception. I won't say it's entertaining but it provokes the mind. The 2.5 hours movie drags you deep into the rabbit hole. I give it a 10/10.
1) your fb page is an alternative to rotten tomato. haha. great. i am watching it tonight. :)
2) if you say 10/10 definitely have to go see.

3) I commented: Be warned guys. It's not your usual summer bam wham kapow flick.

July 15:
I can't hold on any longer. I have to put a stop to this. Now.
1 comment:
Do you need to go to the toilet?

July 16:
All my life I’ve been searching for something
Something never comes, never leads to nothing
Nothing satisfies, but I’m getting close
Closer to the prize at the end of the rope
All night long I dream of the day
(Additional note: The last few weeks have been really tough. Can't put a finger to what I'm going through until I read Timothy's entry. Thanks Tim for the timely entry!)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Vintage Wedding Dress

Vintage Wedding Dress

Vintage Wedding Dress

Ukraine Wedding Dress

Ukraine Wedding Dress

Ukraine Wedding Dress

Holland Wedding Dress

Holland Wedding Dress
Holland Wedding Dress 02
Holland Wedding Dress 03

Holland Wedding Dress

Russia Wedding Dress

Russia Wedding Dress
Russia Wedding Dress 01
Russia Wedding Dress 02
Russia Wedding Dress 03-fall_wedding
Russia Wedding Dress 04-russian_bride

Russia Wedding Dress

English Wedding Dress

English Wedding Dress
sub-designer-English Wedding Dress

English Wedding Dress

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Aduh.. mati gila gue....................................................
Jangan sampeeeee... oke... jangan sampeeee!
Mati mati mati mati mati mati mati :'(
Parah deh, aduh Tuhan jangan sampe gue suka sm tu orang!
Huft semoga ya Tuhan :( Please aku gamau!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beach Portrait Photographer NJ (LBI Portrait Photographer Long Beach Island)

This is an example of traditional photography with a combination of old master painting techniques using digital technology which turns into a Masterpiece Portrait by Rob Wilson. Each Masterpiece Portrait are individually painted by my artist Darlene Foster. Darlene's process involves a tremendous attention to detail with every brush stroke. To find out more about my portrait photography please contact me at (800) 757-3491 or email me at
Beach Portrait Photographer Long Beach Island, LBI, Bay Head Beach Haven Loveladies, Brant Beach Surf City Harvey Cedars and all throughout the Jersey Shore

Monday, July 12, 2010

The last days

July 9, 2010
Well, what to do after our rough night in Ardasier? The next morning the weather still did not look good and although Dallas reef, where we had planned to make our last dive, was only 6M away it was straight into the wind and waves. I suggested to sail back to KK but Eric and Kevin were not quite ready to accept the inevitable....
However, nothing is more changeable than the weather in the South China Sea and later in the morning the conditions improved enough to head for Dallas! Once we arrived there the weather had calmed down more and after we 'hit' the reef edge with the sonar we could easily follow the contour to find a good dive location. While breakers were scourging the S side of the reef, the water on the N side was calm and we dropped the hook on the reef top in 6m while ALK swung right above a steep drop off.

According to the map we were sailing right on top of the reef rather than along the contour

Anxious as they were, Kevin and Eric made the first dive and they were not disappointed. The wall was nicely overgrown with small seafans and soft corals and showed no signs of bleaching or bomb damage. I enjoyed a dive alone in good visibility and took time to take pictures at my leisure.

Detail of  a tridacna mussel

Mimic filefish (a mimic of a poisonous toby) in soft coral

Eric was quite eager to catch some fish for the pot or to take back home but we did not see any big stuff and the bluefin trevallies were too small. Anyway our departure time had arrived. We had 165M to sail to KK and weather permitting, that would take us two nights and a day. While Rachel and I got things ready inside, Kevin and Eric transformed the deck from a diving live-aboard into a sailing boat and well before the sun went down we motored away from Dallas reef.

Kevin, the underwater hunter with ALK and dinghy above him

The predominant wind this time of the year is SW but we have not encountered wind from this direction very often and today there was a light breeze from the SE, right on the nose but nothing to worry about.
Later in the night the wind increased and changed to the E which allowed us to set the mainsail for stability. Early morning it increased further and it was time to set all the sails. Soon after we set the jib we could stop the engine and were sailing at 4-5 knots. Beating against wind and waves was not exactly comfortable. The English saying goes that 'gentlemen do not sail to weather', but for die-hard divers other rules apply! Rachel had troubles preparing food for the boys in the uncomfortable conditions but she did manage to make a simple and wholesome pasta which satisfied the stomachs. During the second night the wind slowly died as we got closer to KK, our appetites returned but by now most of our supplies were finished! However the harbour was in sight. Everybody started packing his gear, pictures were copied to various computers and hard drives and there was a lot of SMS traffic coming from ALK once we were in cell phone range!
When we entered Sutera Harbour the marina office was still closed and we slipped into an empty berth. Soon somebody showed up and told us we could not stay. But when I explained that we only needed a berth for a day he figured that would be okay. We set about rinsing all our dive gear, camera's, deck and sails which were covered with a thick layer of salt. An hour later a very excited woman from the marina office stopped by to tell us that we could absolutely not stay any longer. The marina was full and did not accept any reservations, we needed insurance, a dirty water tank and landing the dinghy in the marina would cost us a hefty fee of € 7 per day! Obviously we were not welcome, even for a day! We quickly made a new plan. Most of our stuff was already unloaded and Eric's wife was underway with the car to pick us up. Kevin needed to check into a hotel and Rachel had to find a backpackers lodge. Our extra dive bottles and heavy cases with camera and diving gear had to come along and I had to see Immigration on the other side of town to clear into Sabah. After the first water tank was filled, Kevin and I cast off the lines and sailed out of the marina to drop the anchor nearby. In two hours we managed to do what we planned to do in a day and the manager was happy to see us move. Once ALK was anchored securely we took the dinghy back in the marina (no fee yet!) where Eric was waiting with all the luggage.
Eric's wife had brought some roti to satisfy our hungry stomachs which we devoured right out of the plastic bags sitting in the parking lot of the most luxurious marina of Malaysia! You might be confused to think that we were in Monaco!
One car was not enough for the four of us with all our gear but when Eric had found a taxi we could all go our own way. Kevin and Rachel went to their hotels and Eric and I went to Immigration. Rachel was heading for the Philippines in two days to go for her Padi diving license, Kevin was flying back to Beijing the next day and Eric was off to the East of Sabah soon for a new assignment.  After we had become such a  close and good team, the parking lot was not the place to say goodbye, so I invited all for dinner in the evening. A friendly Italian restaurant in KK was the appropriate setting for our farewell dinner and to celebrate the safe end of a very special diving adventure!

 Farewell dinner with Kevin, Rachel, Eric and his two daughters and wife

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Anxious moments

July 6, 2010
Last night we experienced some hairy moments while anchored in Ardasier reef. Once we had explored the situation we found that the reef had an easily accessible lagoon and we dropped the hook late in the afternoon. Just on time to make a dive on the outside of the lagoon.

Anchored in the lagoon of Ardasier reef with the Navy base in the background

There is also a small Royal Malaysian Navy base and we thought we were safe and went to bed early... But at 1:00 we were rudely awoken by violent weather. We were caught in the middle of a heavy thunderstorm! The chain was being pulled out from the chain locker every time the bow of 'ALK' rose to the waves but to do something about it  in the blinding rain....In the pitch dark all we could do is turn on the navigation equipment to see if the anchor was holding. The GPS showed that we had moved but the wind direction had changed 180 degrees so we probably did not drag the anchor or just a little bit. We monitored the situation until things became a bit more quiet and went back to our berths. Two hours later it was the same story all over again, except this time the wind was even stronger. We rigged a snubber line on the chain to keep it from slipping out further and took down our awning that was flapping like crazy. We still held on to our position but I did set up an anchor alarm on the GPS just in case. The idea to be caught in weather like this in a lagoon we had not explored properly was not a comfortable feeling, but we had no choice. After half an hour the wind weakened a bit and we went back for some 'vigilant sleep'. At 8:00 o'clock in the morning things were calm again but what a night!

Malay/Philippino fishermen cleaning the reef of lobsters and sea cucumbers

The day before when we left Layang we had excitement of another kind...
We tried to call the Navy to let them know that we were heading for Ardasier reef but the cell phone network was down. cell phones are the main means of communication on Layang. On the VHF we did not get any response either when we called Station Lima.
Once out of the lagoon we saw a large Malaysian Navy vessel that had been patrolling Layang for some days so I decided to ask them to relay my message to Station Lima. We received a short confirmation but heard nothing further. Then it became clear what was going on.... On the horizon the contours of another big naval vessel appeared and on the VHF we heard the Malay Navy calling 'Chinese warship'. A fairly large Chinese frigate was approaching Layang at good speed. The Malay warned the Chinese that they were within Malaysia's 200M EEZ and asked the Chinese repeatedly to state their intentions and course. However the Chinese warship did not respond and continued to proceed towards Layang. The Malay vessel positioned herself between the Chinese warship and Layang. We did not want to get caught in the 'crossfire' and made a big detour to stay out of their way. Meanwhile a Malaysian aircraft appeared on the scene as well. They also called the Chinese who finally gave a short answer, one time, that 'they were collecting sea data'. Finally they changed course away from Layang very slowly while the Malay vessel continued to shadow them. That signalled the drawn out end of the confrontation.
China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia have argued for a long time about the boundaries of their 200M EEZ in the South China Sea but so far never settled the issue. An important obstacle is that China refuses to take the case to the International Court in The Hague and they wage their mighty power. So these small confrontations take place from time to time and as long as nobody gets trigger happy, or starts drilling for oil in disputed territory, the status quo continues.
Kevin, being Chinese, was quite embarrassed about what happened and after our arrival in Ardasier felt uncomfortable when the local Malay commander came by to check our papers. He thought he would be treated unfriendly but the Malay took the whole incident lightly. They came to check our papers but after we got chatting never asked about them and later 'kidnapped' Rachel for a fast ride on their big Zodiac back to the base to pick up their mobile phone cameras. They wanted to be on the picture with the yacht from 'Amsterdam', the first sailing boat they had ever seen in Ardasier!

A Vietnamese fishing boat that had been caught fishing illegally in Malay waters...

Great reception in Layang

July 4, 2010
To visit Layang in your own boat you need to get permission from the Malaysian Navy. With the unexpected and sudden disappearance of Razali my request, which has to included boat and crew details, had to be amended which caused some delay. However the permission could be faxed to the dive resort on Layang so that was our first stop ashore once we were anchored in the lagoon. At the reception there was no fax waiting for us but after a call to the navy department in Kuala Lumpur (yes, there is Celcom coverage in Layang!) they sent the fax again. As Brazil was playing against Holland that evening we went back ashore after dinner to pick up our fax and have a beer in the resort and watch the soccer game on their television. However we were in for a surprise...The personnel in the resort were very friendly but for water, a fax or permission to order a beer we had to ask the manager. Must be an important guy! Eric had been in the resort as a potential business partner and Kevin was there as a guest earlier this year but neither seemed very eager to ask the manager. As a captain you have to know your responsibilities so I went out to meet the manager Mr. Eugene. To my great surprise he flatly told me we could not have a beer in his resort or watch this special game for me as a Dutchman in a remote outpost of Malaysia! Not because there were too many guests or that we expected a free beer but simply because we were no guests! Well, I do not think I would ever want to be a guest in his resort as I have rarely met a more inhospitable manager! We did manage to extract the fax from him at an extortion rate but who cares...
I did want to give up yet but what to do now? The military section of the island is strictly forbidden for resort guests but I figured we had a good excuse to enter because they had to inspect our papers. In the dark we trespassed onto the naval premises and were in for another surprise.... We were not shot at but received by friendly personel who took us to an air-conditioned room with a big TV screen! On leather couches with a nice cup of coffee we were made to feel at home by the commander of the island and had a great time watching the game while our papers were being inspected. Of course the fact that Holland beat Brazil contributed to the cordial atmosphere. How soccer can unite the world!
Back on board late in the evening we celebrated our successful evening with a nice cold beer!

Approaching the reef entrance to Layang Layang

The cell phone network and WiFi system from the resort were used with enthousiasm!

The next morning we got up unusually late. Not only because of the beers but the weather was dreary. Grey skies and continuous rain. Not a day for diving and we had some repairs to do. The air-intake of the compressor filled up with water in the heavy rain, the fan in the quarter berth needed to be repaired after I kicked it in a wild dream and the sun-awning was nearly blown to pieces in strong wind and rain the night before. While Kevin and Eric took care of the compressor, I started glueing together the broken pieces of the fan, while Rachel took out the torn stitching on the awning.

The corroded air filter needed to be replaced and the compressor emptied of rain water

The sun awning being restitched under my 60 years old Pfaff 

Eric and Kevin still managed to do two dives that day while I got out the sewing machine to stitch the awning.
On the third day in Layang the weather finally cleared and we started the day with an early morning dive into the blue to try to find hammerhead sharks. They live at 40m or deeper around the E corner of Layang where currents are the strongest. From the reef top Kevin and I descended along the drop-off and then into the blue down to 40m but no hammerhead sightings. We did see several giant trevallies and large schools of bumphead parrotfish hanging in the strong current.

Lichtenstein's bubble coral with a patch of green Sea Squirts

 This doublebar goatfish put on his best face for the camera

At the end of the day we loaded the dinghy with speargun and snorkeling gear and went to the reef edge again. Eric took the gun and Rachel and I snorkeled on the reef top. Rachel saw her first turtle and a single eagle ray hovering by, beautiful snappers approached me and we had our first sighting of a grey reef shark which was chasing Eric after he shot a nice trevally for the pot.
By that time the sun was almost setting and the guys were longing for a cool beer. We loaded the massive fish on board the dinghy and went to bird island, a sand cay on the edge of the lagoon. The small beach was crowded with terns but as we approached they 'gladly' made room for us. On the rocks we were surrounded by hundreds of breeding noddies and terns that were quite 'approachable'.
A very special place to enjoy a beer on our last day in Laying!
Tomorrow we will sail on to Dallas Reef about 15M N of Layang before we will make our way to Kota Kinabalu.

Anchor troubles in Royal Charlotte

July 2, 2010
Royal Charlotte turned out to be a bit disappointing for the diving. Mysteriously almost all the hard corals were dead and we went halfway around the reef to find a dive spot that looked somewhat promising. Near the beacon, the only feature of the reef that is permanently above the water at high tide, we went down between dead coral bommies and sand gullies.

The beacon marking Royal Charlotte

Surprisingly the fish life was not dead. Big, fat, dogtooth tuna came to inspect us and surgeon fishes were fighting to get in the picture. This was dogtooth alley!

An investigative dogtooth tuna

On the long way back in the dinghy across the lagoon we figured that crown-of-thorn starfish must be the reason for the poor condition of the hard corals. The reef was infested with them and they can effectively clean out the corals in an entire reef.

A crown of thorn starfish on his way to eat all the polyps of this hard coral

Our mother ship 'ALK' was anchored on the N side of Royal Charlotte. When we arrived there was no wind but during the afternoon wind from the NE came up. Very often the wind dies down after sunset but not so this evening. By the time we went to sleep 'ALK' was pitching heavily in the increased waves when we suddenly felt a big jerk. The chain must have gotten stuck between the dead coral and the snubber line snapped. We rigged up a new snubber line but the night was not very peaceful to say the least! For non-sailors, a snubber line is a piece of rope with a hook which is attached to the chain to take the strain of the anchor chain off the anchor winch.
Kevin and Eric sleep in the family size berth in the fore peak and how they managed to get some sleep in the permanent merry-go-round was a mystery to me. The next morning we decided to leave with first light but we wanted to try to retrieve the chain hook. With a sleepy head Kevin put on his dive gear and came back up with the hook 10 min later! While still in the water he guided us to untangle the chain that was wrapped around the coral and once free we were happy get away from this tricky anchorage and get underway to Layang where we should be able to find better protection.

  Underway against the waves

The waves slowed us down quite a bit but we still managed to arrive in Layang in the afternoon. The lagoon of Layang provides a perfect natural harbour and the whole crew was very happy when we put down the hook in calm waters in front of the dive resort.